What Is Strategic Management? Everything You Need To Know

Nowadays, strategic management supports businesses in planning and managing the activities to achieve organizational objectives. The role of strategic management is not unlike that of business development management in that they both focus on long term goals, which are usually set well in advance by upper management.

The key question to ask is: “How can we better serve our customers?”. In other words, it’s about identifying opportunities for improvement within the current sales process, product line or marketing strategy. In this article, we will provide everything you need to know about strategic management.


Learn about strategic management with One IBC®

What is strategic management?

Strategic management is the process of planning and executing an organization’s strategy. It encompasses both short-term and long-term actions aimed at achieving major goals, improving products or services, increasing sales volumes and market share, expanding market opportunities, raising awareness of brand names among consumers and business partners, etc.

Strategic management is an approach to business management that uses strategies, plans and tactics to produce desired results. The term “strategy” can mean a general course of action or set of decisions intended to accomplish specific goals and objectives. Strategic management is focused on more than just meeting financial goals; it involves developing a comprehensive plan for achieving success in your organization’s financial and other mission-related goals.

The importance of strategic management

Strategic management is important because it provides a clear direction and purpose to an organization, and helps align all levels of the organization towards common goals. It helps an organization to better respond to changes in the environment and remain competitive.

Here are 5 reasons of why strategic management is important for every business:

  • Provides direction and focus: Strategic management helps define a clear vision, mission, and goals for the organization, providing a roadmap for decision-making and action.

  • Facilitates growth and success: Through a thorough analysis of internal and external factors, strategic management helps organizations identify and pursue new business opportunities, foster innovation, and increase competitiveness.

  • Enhances organizational performance: By regularly evaluating and refining business strategies, strategic management helps organizations align their resources, processes, and structures to achieve better results.

  • Encourages proactive behavior: By anticipating changes in the market and competition, strategic management helps organizations respond proactively to challenges and capitalize on emerging opportunities.

  • Supports right decision-making: By providing a systematic and comprehensive approach to decision-making, strategic management helps organizations make informed decisions based on data and analysis, rather than intuition or guesswork.


An effective strategic management process is need for every business

Strategic management process

The strategic management process is a set of steps taken by organizations to formulate and implement their strategies. The strategic management process typically includes the following steps:

  • Situation Analysis: A thorough analysis of the internal and external environment to understand the current position of the organization.

  • Strategy Formulation: Developing a strategy based on the analysis and deciding on the direction the organization wants to take.

  • Strategy Implementation: Putting the strategy into action through the allocation of resources, structure, and systems.

  • Strategy Evaluation and Control: Monitoring and evaluating the progress of the strategy and making necessary adjustments.

  • Strategy Revision: Revising the strategy if necessary based on feedback and new information.

What are the benefits of strategic management?

The benefits of strategic management are the positive impacts it can have on your business. It focuses on each area (internal and external) and provides a solution for any problems that occur. It also helps save time and money, which is especially important when running a business.

Strategic management for business provides a balanced view of traditional strategic management, using case examples and practical advice from experts in business, to help managers make better decisions in a variety of industries. It helps organizations to respond more effectively to customer needs and competitive pressures, improve their performance and profitability, adapt better to change and improve stakeholder relations.


Strategic management benefits organizations in many ways

What are the limitations of strategic management?

The future is unknown and unpredictable. A strategic management system prepares you for these changes by providing the flexibility to adapt your organization and business model in response to external forces, market conditions and competitors. However, it still has some limitations, such as:

  • Difficulty in predicting future events and trends.

  • Resistance to change and resistance to new ideas from stakeholders.

  • The tendency for management to get bogged down in day-to-day operations.

  • Lack of resources, such as time and money, to implement strategic plans.

  • Poor communication and execution of strategies within the organization.

  • Inflexibility in adapting to changes in the market and industry.

  • Bias and subjectivity in decision-making and goal setting.

  • Over-reliance on past data and experience, rather than considering new and innovative approaches.


The inability to predict future events and trends is one of the biggest challenges for startups. They are often forced to react quickly, which can lead to high levels of risk taking and poor execution. Applying a right strategic management process will help you avoid many of these problems by outlining your long-term goals, key actions/tasks required to achieve them and related tasks to do in order to reach those goals.

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