Applying Lean Six Sigma To Minimize Waste And Boost Efficiency

Entrepreneurs spend time looking for process improvement strategies that aim to eliminate inefficiencies in a company’s process flow by identifying root causes and developing solutions. With the fusion of two famous business strategy model, lean six sigma can be the navigator you’ve been seeking for time:

What is Lean Six Sigma

1. What is Lean Six Sigma:

Lean Six Sigma is a methodology that combines two popular business principles, lean and Six Sigma, to improve organizational performance and minimize waste processes.

It combines Toyota’s lean manufacturing philosophy with Motorola’s Six Sigma management strategy’s qualitative and quantitative techniques for driving process improvement.

Lean Six Sigma recognizes the role that stakeholders play in the success of every project, as well as the importance of data collection and analysis to assist those stakeholders in understanding the effectiveness – or ineffectiveness – of the workflow.

It is a pragmatic approach that allows an organization to choose which aspects of each discipline will help it achieve its objectives.

2. Lean Six Sigma vs. Six Sigma

Lean Six Sigma and Six Sigma are two related process improvement strategies. Both can assist businesses in making significant improvements in quality, efficiency, and time utilization by analyzing how their processes work. The DMAIC phases/method is used by both. Both are based on fostering a problem-solving culture in the workplace.

Six Sigma, on the other hand, is concerned with reducing defects and process variability in order to improve process output and quality and meet customer expectations. Lean Six Sigma is concerned with reducing or eliminating wasteful resource use and defects in order to improve workflow and provide more value to customers.

Lean Six Sigma combines Six Sigma elements (such as data analysis) with Lean methodology elements (such as waste-eliminating tools) to improve process flow and maintain continuous improvement.

3. Advantages gained from Lean Six Sigma

Advantages gained from Lean Six Sigma

The Lean Six Sigma methodology provides enormous transformation opportunities in all industries. Employees, businesses, and customers can reap the following benefits by incorporating Lean Six Sigma principles into their daily workflows:

  • Employee advantages.
  • During process improvements, Lean Six Sigma encourages high levels of employee engagement. This increases team spirit while also accelerating growth and organizational performance. Employees gain a better understanding of the impact their work has on business success, as well as a deep appreciation for the work of other employees and departments.

  • Business advantages
  • The most appealing benefit that businesses obtain from implementing Lean Six Sigma principles is cost reduction. The efficient flow of processes, the reduction of wasted resources, the reduction of lead times, and the alignment of processes all contribute to higher bottom-line results.

  • Customer advantages
  • Lean Six Sigma necessitates a strong emphasis on customer satisfaction and the delivery of high-quality results. This, in conjunction with the streamlined processes provided by Lean Six Sigma, contributes to improved customer experience and loyalty. Customers appreciate product enhancements and improved product delivery methods, which increases customer satisfaction.

4. The Roadmap to Lean Six Sigma:

The Roadmap to Lean Six Sigma

Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control are the DMAIC phases of Lean Six Sigma. They are used to identify and improve existing process problems that have unidentified root causes. The Lean DMAIC roadmap goes as follows:


  • Define stakeholder value and critical performance indicators (CTQs).
  • Define customer demand Create a high-level process map
  • Check for 6S implementation.


  • Customer demand should be measured.
  • Make a data collection plan.
  • Test the measurement system.
  • Make a value flow map.
  • Establish the pace, take time, and manpower.
  • Determine the replenishment and capacity constraints.
  • Implement S1-S3 of 6S


  • Examine the value stream map.
  • Examine the process and load capacity.
  • Analyze the VA/NVA decomposition
  • Apply to solve for specific causes, use lean problem solving.


  • Organize rapid improvement events
  • Create the process flow and changes.
  • Feeding, balancing, and loading the process
  • Work tasks should be standardized.
  • Introducing new procedures.


  • Improve and stabilize the value stream
  • Complete visual and process controls
  • Identify opportunities for error prevention.
  • Implement S4-S6 of 6S.
  • Keep an eye on the results and wrap up the project.

Thanks to the customer-focused approach of Six Sigma and the more speed-focused strategy of Lean, many organizations around the world have succeeded in achieving performance breakthroughs. This is especially true for organizations that have incorporated both into the Lean Six Sigma methodology. Smart businesses recognize this as a new way of doing business, not just a “fix” for one-time issues.

You will join the ranks of many globally successful businesses by implementing Lean Six Sigma. Organizations around the world are under constant pressure to keep costs under control, maintain high levels of safety and quality, and meet rising customer expectations. This game-changing improvement process has been adopted by many large corporations as the most efficient way to achieve their objectives.

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