Business Transformation, Change Management & Digital Transformation: A Thin Line of Difference!

As advancements in technology and integrated systems continue to enhance process efficiency and accessibility to data, digitization has become the new standard. This has led to the term “digital transformation” becoming synonymous with “business change,” as the implementation of digital solutions is often associated with optimizing business models and operational efficiency through technology. Furthermore, focusing on change management is critical for the success of any major business transformation even though the two phrases are frequently used interchangeably in project planning. In this article, One IBC will analyze the concept of business transformation, digital transformation in action and change management in action, then explore the difference between digital transformation and business transformation and also compare business transformation vs change management.

What is business transformation?

Business transformation is a fundamental and holistic change in an organization’s strategy, processes, structure, culture, and technology to drive significant and sustainable improvements in its performance and create long-term value for its stakeholders.

What is business transformation?

Besides, business transformation often refers to identifying the company’s goals, assessing its current state, and identifying opportunities to improve its operations, efficiency, profitability, and overall competitiveness. It typically requires a strategic shift in the company’s mindset and a willingness to embrace new ways of doing things.

Furthermore, business transformation can involve a wide range of initiatives, including digital transformation, organizational restructuring, process reengineering, mergers and acquisitions, new product development, and innovation. Successful business transformation requires strong leadership, effective communication, collaboration, and a willingness to embrace change across the entire organization.

Digital Transformation in Action

Digital transformation in action is considered the process of using digital technologies to fundamentally alter how an organization operates and offers value to its customers. It involves a strategic approach to integrating digital technologies into every aspect of an organization, from its business models and processes to its customer engagement strategies.

Digital Transformation in Action

Here are some steps involved in digital transformation in action:

  • Identify the Need for Digital Transformation: The first step in digital transformation is to identify the need for change. This may involve understanding market trends, customer needs, or internal inefficiencies that can be addressed through digital technologies.

  • Define the Scope and Objectives: Secondly, the scope and objectives of the transformation should be defined. This may involve identifying specific business processes or customer experiences that can be improved through digital technologies.

  • Develop a Digital Transformation Plan: A comprehensive digital transformation plan should be developed to guide the implementation of digital technologies. This plan should include a timeline for implementation, resource requirements, and performance metrics.

  • Implement Digital Technologies: The implementation of digital technologies involves integrating new tools, systems, and processes into an organization. This may include the adoption of cloud computing, data analytics, artificial intelligence, or other digital technologies.

  • Train and Support Individuals and Teams: Digital transformation requires a significant cultural shift within an organization, and it is important to provide training and support to individuals and teams to ensure that they can effectively use the new digital tools and processes.

  • Monitor and Evaluate the Digital Transformation: Once the digital transformation has been implemented, it is important to monitor and evaluate its effectiveness. This involves measuring performance metrics, gathering feedback from customers and employees, and making adjustments to the digital transformation plan as needed.

Real-world examples of successful digital transformation in action include Domino’s Pizza’s use of digital technologies to improve its online ordering system, Walmart’s implementation of a new supply chain management system, and General Electric’s adoption of the Industrial Internet of Things to improve the efficiency of its operations.

Change Management in Action

Change management in action is the process of implementing changes within an organization to improve performance, increase efficiency, or address specific issues. It involves a structured approach to planning, implementing, and monitoring changes to minimize disruption and ensure that the changes are effective.

Change Management in Action

Here are some steps involved in change management in action:

  • Identify the Need for Change: The first step is to identify the need for change, whether it is due to market trends, competition, or internal issues. It is important to involve key stakeholders in this process to gain their support and buy-in.

  • Develop a Change Management Plan: Once the need for change has been identified, a change management plan should be developed. This plan should outline the specific changes that need to be made, the timeline for implementing those changes, and the resources that will be required.

  • Communicate the Change: One of the most important aspects of change management is communication. It is important to communicate the reasons for the change, the benefits of the change, and the specific steps that will be taken to implement the change. Communication should be ongoing throughout the change management process to ensure that all stakeholders are informed and engaged.

  • Implement the Change: Implementation involves executing the change management plan. This includes making the necessary changes to processes, systems, and procedures, as well as training employees on the new way of doing things. It is important to monitor progress during this phase to ensure that the changes are being implemented as planned.

  • Monitor and Evaluate the Change: Once the changes have been implemented, it is important to monitor and evaluate their effectiveness. This involves measuring the impact of the changes on key performance indicators and gathering feedback from stakeholders. This information can then be used to make further adjustments and improvements to the change management process.

Real-world examples of successful change management in action include Procter & Gamble’s restructuring of its supply chain, IBM’s transition from a hardware company to a software and services company, and Nestle’s efforts to reduce its environmental footprint.

The differences between digital transformation and business transformation

Digital transformation and business transformation are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but they are actually two different concepts. The table below will shows the differences between digital transformation and business transformation by applying the 5 parameters:


Business Transformation

Digital Transformation


Business transformation refers to the process of making significant changes to an organization by altering its business model.

The objective of a digital transformation platform is to leverage digital capabilities to fundamentally modify the operations of a company.

Scope and Objectives

Business transformation involves making changes to an organization’s strategy, structure, processes, and people to improve its overall performance and achieve specific business objectives.

Digital transformation is focused specifically on the integration of digital technologies to fundamentally change how an organization operates and delivers value to customers.


Business transformation initiatives can take a long time to plan and implement, often requiring significant changes to an organization’s structure and culture.

Digital transformation initiatives can be implemented more quickly since they often involve the adoption of specific digital technologies.

Culture and Mindset

Business transformation initiatives require a significant cultural shift within an organization to succeed. This often involves changing the mindset of employees and developing new ways of working together.

Digital transformation initiatives also require a cultural shift, but the focus is often on developing a culture of innovation and agility, where employees are encouraged to experiment with new technologies and processes.

Technology and Innovation

Business transformation initiatives may involve the adoption of new technologies, but the focus is often on optimizing existing processes and systems.

Digital transformation initiatives are centered on the adoption and integration of digital technologies, such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things, to create new business models and opportunities for innovation.

In summary, while both business transformation and digital transformation are aimed at improving an organization’s performance, they differ in their scope, objectives, timeframe, culture, and focus on technology and innovation. Business transformation is focused on improving the overall performance of an organization, while digital transformation is centered on the integration of digital technologies to fundamentally change how an organization operates and delivers value to customers.

Business transformation vs. change management

Business transformation vs. change management are two related but distinct concepts. There are several key differences between business transformation and change management:


Business Transformation

Change Management

Focus and Scope

Business transformation focuses on strategic initiatives to make significant changes to an organization’s overall performance, often involving changes to its strategy, structure, processes, and people.

Change management is focused on the human side of change and ensuring that employees are prepared and equipped to embrace the changes required to achieve the desired outcomes.


Business transformation initiatives can take a long time to plan and implement, often requiring significant changes to an organization’s structure and culture.

Change management is typically a shorter-term initiative focused on preparing and supporting employees during a specific change initiative.

Culture and Organizational Change

Business transformation initiatives require significant cultural and organizational change within an organization to succeed. This often involves changing the mindset of employees and developing new ways of working together.

Change management is focused on managing the impact of a specific change initiative on employees and ensuring that they are supported through the various stages of change.

Technology and Innovation

Business transformation may involve the adoption of new technologies and innovation, but the focus is often on optimizing existing processes and systems.

Change management typically does not involve significant technology and innovation changes, but rather focuses on supporting and preparing employees for changes in processes, systems, and ways of working.

In summary, while both business transformation and change management are focused on improving an organization’s overall performance, they differ in their focus and scope, the role of technology and innovation, timeframe, and the level of cultural and organizational change required for success. Business transformation is focused on strategic initiatives to make significant changes to an organization’s overall performance, while change management is focused on preparing and supporting employees through specific change initiatives.


In conclusion, business transformation, change management, and digital transformation are all important concepts for organizations to understand and leverage. While they are distinct, they are also interconnected and require a strategic and integrated approach to achieve successful outcomes.

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