Employees Are The Most Valuable Asset, Technology Is The Strongest Technique

– Jimmy Lee (also known as Le Hung Anh), CEO of One IBC® Group.

Jimmy Lee, the CEO of One IBC®, is a young entrepreneur who aspires to create a small contribution to Vietnam’s glory. Lee developed his reputation in the industries of financial consulting and international business services after traveling and learning among various nations such as Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, the United States, and Europe.

My very first milestone on business journey

My very first milestone on business journey

One IBC® might be marked as my “first step to success”. After learning about the procedures, transactions, and practices of other nations’ enterprises,  I chose to start an international firm. My goal was to tackle my homeland’s financial challenges at that time. As a consequence, I resolved foreign business processes right away. Then I questioned what would happen if I had a team that could offer this service at a reasonable price to help Vietnamese businesses and other nations’ small companies. One IBC® was born as a result, a company that specialized in business consulting and process optimization. DNBC Financial Group, PayCEC, Travelner, and others have been established in turn to meet client expectations by adding value to the service flow.

The approach is crucial. If you want to sell a product to customers in the United Kingdom, France, or Germany, for example, you must first grasp the cultural characteristics, customs, and customer behavior in the countries where you supply goods and/or services.

I always remind myself to build a sharp observation, mindful adaptation and the great willingness to grasp new opportunities and get through challenges, thanks to that I continue to look for new ideas and bring them back to Vietnam. Our team guarantees that the company’s products and services are not out of date by continuously monitoring overseas market demand. As a result, we expect that the greater the number of new products and services developed, the greater the number of jobs accessible in the domestic labor market.

My development philosophy: Employees are the most valuable asset, technology is the strongest technique.

My development philosophy: Employees are the most valuable asset, technology is the strongest technique.

On my journey to success, there are two main factors for a potential e-commerce business that I want to emphasize on. Those are technology and competitive talents.

My homeland Vietnam has enough human resources to meet the company’s needs. For recent years, the government has made significant efforts to sign key international cooperation agreements and policies, such as WHO, EVFTA, UKFTA, AFTA, and so on. This step allows domestic firms to compete fairly with overseas competitors.

Over the next five years, the whole group needs to hire roughly 1,000 workers in order to develop commercial operations and better serve clients.

My mindset of working productivity is about 4 criteria: Creativity, Optimal, Effective, Fast. I’m putting effort in creating a professional, modern working atmosphere for the whole organization, encouraging each employee to acquire and update new information, share it with colleagues, and put it into practice. Not only does the company develop, but also every individual can upgrade into a better version, that is the true value I am always aiming for.

To earn this ideal working environment, building a strong welfare policy for the whole group is a must. The company provides tangible and economic rewards to workers in order for them to work harmoniously. Furthermore, activities and events are frequently arranged to increase staff engagement and unity. The organization also makes attempts to care for employees’ health and spirits so that they may work with peace of mind and give their best performance. Above all, I am always grateful to my valued employees who continuously contributed to the company’s success.

Along with efforts to improve the working environment for employees, our team is trying to establish long-term strategies for developing a high-tech platform while improving service quality in order to capture the trend and dominate the industry. We strive to establish a firm trusted by consumers and worldwide partners for long-term collaboration and sustained advantages by offering a variety of products/services that use sophisticated technology in conjunction with a complete customer care system.

Building my sustainable strategy with digital transformation

For sustainable development, I think it is crucial to have the whole group deployed ERP systems with the cooperation of SAP Vietnam. The SAP S/4HANA platform will assist the organization’s digital transformation and operating system optimization. The Group will use collaboration to prepare for a new growth phase, with the goal of becoming a multi-industry organization that uses high-tech and secures a long-term position on the global economic map.

Building my sustainable strategy with digital transformation

The core mission of this digital transformation collaboration agreement is to reduce redundancy and waste time while increasing individual performance and the operational efficiency of the firm.

With the unified digital platform, the data and operating functions of One IBC® now can be saved in a centralized database. When divisions smoothly relate to one another, corporate governance may be more active for all subsidiaries. With this enhanced connection, One IBC®‘s ecosystem will be able to create a full environment for international investment and associated industries such as global residency and global travel in the near future.

Core values that keep me on the right track

Core values that keep me on the right track

Based on three core values, Quality – Technology – People, together our people developed a stable and sustainable direction for the whole group, proving by good revenue growth over the years. Up to now, BIN Corporation Group in general and One IBC® in particular have successfully achieved remarkable positions in the market as a corporation that provides an ecosystem of business services, applying technology, and multi-disciplinary activities, including business management, consulting, financial consulting, digital marketing, e-commerce, travel, real estate, technology.

Building everything from “zero to hero”, I engraved all the lessons in my heart and appreciated every value gained from failures and success. As the top priority, my business philosophy is to create and spread positive effects to homeland Vietnam and the young enthusiastic entrepreneurs all over the world. Follow us on the way to win the sustainable mission: a harmonious balance between corporate benefits and community-society benefits.

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