What are the current key trends in financial services?

With the impact of Covid-19 pandemic and the new era of technology, the world of finance is affected and changing faster than ever. Discover the most remarkable trends in the financial services market:

  • Blockchain is being adopted by the financial services industry.
  • Blockchain technology has long been associated with cryptocurrency. However,

    experts predict that the technology will soon be better attributed with existing banking systems.

    Banks might use blockchain to make cheaper, more efficient transactions while maintaining strong security.

  • More people use personal finance apps
  • People may use financial apps to not only manage their money, but also to invest in stocks and cryptocurrency. People are attracted to the opportunity to handle money remotely. They particularly enjoy having the ability to control their financial world directly in their own hands.

  • Loyalty Programs Encourage Repeat Purchases
  • Loyalty programs have been a popular strategy to keep consumers returning, but they are often only available in retail and the food sector. Loyalty programs are now practically required, especially in the financial services business. Many people assume they will only become larger, better, and more competitive.

  • Financial businesses will strengthen customer service with machine learning
  • Machine learning may assist by analyzing and linking interaction data, consumer information, and content. This will enable customer service channels to create relevant experiences that go beyond simply providing good search results to predicting questions consumers would ask and displaying solutions to queries customers even didn’t know to ask.

  • More people are having their finances professionally managed.
  • A Registered Investment Adviser (RIA) is a company that provides financial advice and manages investments and is regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission. Many individuals are fast adopting this new type of wealth manager as their primary money manager.


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