Benefits of hiring a strategy consultant

The purpose of a strategy consultant is not to read over your plan and then check it off so you can go execute. Their job is to collaborate with you during the planning phase and to actually work on it with you. They will conduct an analysis of your company in order to guide you toward sound business decisions. A strategic plan’s elements and components include:

  • Contextual mission and vision statements
  • Timelines for goal setting and strategy implementation
  • Timelines for progress monitoring
  • Benchmarks and/or objectives that guide progress toward goals and how they contribute to the mission and values
  • Specifying how and when progress will be measured
  • An outline of each employee’s or team’s roles and responsibilities

Even if you’ve determined that hiring a strategy consultant would be beneficial, you may need to persuade your organization’s leaders that this position is valuable and worth the budget allocation. 4 benefits of hiring a consultant include:

Experience: A strategy consultant will bring a wealth of experience from previous work with other organizations. They understand the process and can confidently guide your team through the strategic planning process.

Speed: Time is of the essence, and a consultant will have established methods for developing strategic plans in place. If you start from scratch in-house, the process will be much faster.

Objectivity: Consultants serve as neutral third parties. They bring a fresh perspective and approach free of office politics. A consultant can facilitate meetings and have difficult conversations while remaining objective.


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