What is operational consulting?

Operational consulting is known as operations management, and it is defined as advisory and implementation services that help a company’s internal operations and value chain performance. Operational consulting projects improve client operations by advising and assisting with the implementation of changes to the target operating model, functional business processes, management systems, culture, and other value chain elements.

There are eight disciplines in the market for operational consulting and management services known as organizational operations; sales and marketing; supply chain; sourcing and procurement; finance; business process management; research and development; and outsourcing.

The operational consulting is concerned with improving the performance of all aspects that support the structure of the organization, such as organizational design, governance, roles and responsibilities, and employee performance. Typical activities are prompted by an event or crisis situation, such as a merger or a transition as part of a larger corporate restructuring effort, or are related to the implementation of organizational strategies, such as workforce optimization or the redesign of employee roles.


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