What is strategy consulting v.s management consulting?

Companies and organizations use strategy and management consulting to improve their operations and performance while increasing revenue.

However, strategy consulting and management consulting are the two different types of consulting. 

Strategy consulting: Strategy consulting is a type of management consulting in which company or organization leaders hire external consultants to provide guidance and advice on specific strategic business challenges or conflicts. This type of consulting typically focuses on corporate-level strategy so that a company can implement changes at the highest level of the power structure. Typical responsibilities of a strategy consultant include the following:

  • Providing budget strategy consultation for businesses
  • Advising businesses on effective operations techniques
  • Monitoring the company’s progress and expansion
  • Evaluating company performance 
  • Identifying company strengths and weaknesses
  • Creating solutions for the best business strategies for the company

Management consulting: Management consulting, also known as operational consulting, is when outside consultants help businesses and organizations develop general management methods, maximize operations, and find solutions to any problems that arise. Finally, management consulting seeks to improve overall company performance and operations by identifying and implementing efficiencies. Management consultants typically perform the following tasks:

  • Analyzing company management goals
  • Providing feedback on company performance
  • Assisting with project management responsibilities
  • Providing company advice on performance and management enhancement techniques
  • Assisting in the implementation of management methods
  • Examining the company’s progress following the implementation of improvements


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