What is the difference between management consulting and strategy consulting

When searching for industry consultants, business owners sometimes cannot tell the difference between management consulting and strategy consulting.

Management consulting is a subset of strategy consulting, with strategic consulting focusing on specific objectives and management consulting on overall company performance.

Strategy consulting is a subset of management consulting that focuses specifically on assisting a company in moving from point A to point B on a specific issue, rather than looking holistically at the business as a whole.”

When businesses hire strategy consultants, they are looking for large-scale directional changes that are often revenue-focused. Shifts typically start with the CEO and provide a defining direction for the future. Questions about strategic consulting include:

  • What do we have to do?
  • Why do we have to do it?

Management consulting is more concerned with internal strategy. Management consulting is frequently concerned with implementation, and many changes occur downstream in the organization. Questions to consider include:

  • When and how should we do it?
  • Who will carry it out?

For example, a company that is experiencing multiple issues throughout the organization may seek management consulting services to assist it in identifying and correcting problems that the company is experiencing overall. A strategy consultant, on the other hand, would develop targeted strategies to address specific management issues.


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